Activated Charcoal Tablets | Activated Charcoal USP / BP / IP Grade
Activated Charcoal tablets are made from wood based / coconut based powder activated charcoal.
The activated charcoal needs to be IP / USP / BP grade. Activated charcoal is normally acid washed and neutral pH.
The activated charcoal is then sterilised to ensure negligible aerobic and aerobic bacteria. For activated charcoal tablets or BP / USP / IP grade the following aspects need to be ensured
- Low Heavy Metals – Arsenic, Zinc, Copper , Lead
- Low Residue on ignition
- Low acid solubles
- Neutral pH
- Aerobic / Aerobic bacteria under prescribed BP / IP / USP stanards
- Good surface area and adsorption value
- Bulk density for adequate weight / fill in the tablets
Choosing the right source of raw material ensures low heavy metals , mineral ash. Further acid washing ensures low acid solubles, residue on ignition. The right Particle size distribution further adds to Bulk density characteristics. Unlike Coal based or other forms of carbon based raw materials : Wood and Coconut do not carry traces of Sulphur, Arsenic, Lead or other harmful toxins / metals which can cause harm to the human body.
For tableting approved binders / Food grade should be used . For filling in charcoal capsules – Bulk density is critical.
Finally the packing of activated charcoal before supplying IP / BP / USP grade is critical. Food grade liners, contaminant free packing should be ensured. During transporting – special care on type of environment inside the container is important to avoid any contamination. HDPE Drums or Plastic drums are advised on top of these liners for extra protection against contamination. Further if palletisation is done – fumigation, stretch wrap is advisable.